Our Story
Knowing the story of how your business began is important
to us as we help you grow and move into the future.
We want to hear your story, and we want to share ours too.

From KF Strategies founder, Kimberley Fulwood
In 2016, I found myself struggling to decide my next career move...
I had more than 20 years of agency experience. I had worked at small, mid-sized and large firms in a variety of roles including customer service, client services, traffic management, operations, and consulting.
Although the journey had been rewarding, I was convinced there was something more I was being led to do.
The thought of starting my own business had been lingering in the back of my mind.
I dreamed of a consulting business that leveraged my:
- Understanding of what goes on behind the scenes
- Experience of being in the trenches
- Passion to help others navigate through those fears and challenges

I questioned the idea for a couple of years but was always held back by nagging thoughts.
How would I accomplish it? What if I fail? Am I good enough? Smart enough? The fear rushed in.
Have you ever been paralyzed by fear?
Afraid of change? Afraid to move into a new role? Make a large investment? I was.
Fear kept me from launching KF Strategies for a long time.
But then I remembered hearing that fear is either a warning or a lie. So, I prayed. And prayed. And prayed some more.
I prayed God would give me clarity, that He would show me whether the fear was an obstacle I needed to push through, or if it was a warning that I needed to stay where I was.
For I am about to do
something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19

Then, I waited.
While awaiting a flight home after a client meeting, I was exhausted emotionally. I felt so burdened and called a friend to share my frustrations.
I boarded the plane and chose a seat at random.
In the seats next to me were two strangers, neither of which had been assigned to sit beside me.
While in casual conversation, one of my seatmates asked me if I was okay, because he had overheard my conversation on the phone earlier and noticed how distressed I seemed. He asked me if I wanted to talk about it. Who does that? I thought.
Nevertheless, I shared my work situation and told him about my struggle in deciding whether to open my own consulting business. He empathized with me and asked, “Do you believe in coincidences?”
I said, Absolutely not.
Then he said, “God is telling me that you are being disobedient by continuing to waver and not launch your business.”
I was in awe! My prayer was answered. I finally had the clarity I had been searching for.
So I began making plans, and in the summer of 2016, I launched KF Strategies.
The pieces started to fall into place. I landed clients by asking my contacts for referrals, and partnering with industry leaders like Workamajig in the fall of 2016 and Predictive Index in fall of 2020.

It became very clear that starting this business was what I was supposed to do all along.
That’s my goal with my clients too, that when I leave, it is clear that partnering with KF Strategies was the thing they were supposed to do all along.